Tuesday, October 9, 2007


A flaming response?

I would have loved to give off a flaming response to counter the absolute stupidity that is posted on "hate-central" a.k.a. arubanboycott.idiotsblog but I know I am better than the people that post idiotic statements on this hate-site so I will just have to do with a fact-base response to the idiotic ramblings on that site.

So here goes nothing (starting with the latest dribble posted there):

1. Anonymous said...
BFN asked Ramm to translate Beth's book into Dutch language. Many Dutch common people want to read Beth's new book.
I have not now, nor ever been asked to translate Beth's book, even suggesting it is a sign of extreme stupidity.

2. Anonymous said...

Since her husband passed away, the Queen is still morning and in a shut-in mood. She cannot rule the kingdom alone by herself. The Dutch queen lacks the talent. She cannot live longer without her husband Nicklas. Nick had been her teacher and comforter, even though she had a secret lover. Nick tolerated her promiscusity for the sake of the kingdom. Her ex-lover in Aruba is humiliating her now.

First of all her husband died more than 5 years ago and she is also not still morning or in shut-in mood, claiming that is a clear sign this person is stupid. As one can see in these pictures all of which where taken in the past few months, she looks neither shut-in or in morning. Also, she has a lot of natural talent that was already hers before she met Prince Claus.

and by the way, anonymous fool, STOP INSULTING THE MEMORY OF PRINCE CLAUS. Yes, prince Claus was his name. His full name was Claus Georg Wilhelm Otto Friedrich Gerd von Amsberg so I for the life of me cannot understand why this idiot is writing his name is Nick.
Also, he was such a wonderful person that even mentioning him by this crackpot (anonymous) is an insult to his memory and to all decent people everywhere in the world

3. Anonymous said...

Boasting the world's second largest gas and oil reserves, Iran remains a coveted prize for international oil companies. But Royal Dutch Shell and Total have both indicated political tension could influence investment plans.

The Dutch Royal Families own large shares of Royal Dutch Shell, and Total is trying to acquire the Aruban oil refinery from the Texans. The Dutch and the Queen are opening trading with Iran and Venesuela oil productions via Aruba.

first of all, the queen and the royal family do not own large shares of Royal Dutch shell, no-one of them own 5% or more of the company as it is mandatory to publicize all large share-holders under Dutch law.

Secondly, the Dutch government wants to impose (together with the french and english) unilateral sanctions against Iran if the UN security council does not impose new sanctions.

4. Michelle Says So said... I would agree that there are is a lot of anti-semitic and anti-jew rhetoric in the Dutch culture after researching them extensively over the last two years.

I never understood why the hatred towards Jews. I'm glad I have never been affected by the ignorance and biases towards jews. Where I come from, it is unheard of...only the occasional joke that they make more money than us other white folks.

Ok, unpolitically correct, but sinantice when do I care in making an off color comment?

not only is your opinion unpolitically incorrect but also a bold faced lie. There isn't a lot of anti-semitism in the Netherlands or hatred of Jewish people. In Europe we are one of the least anti-semitic countries compared to other european countries and for your information we have about as little anti-semitism here as the US has.


the ADL found that when it comes to the percentage of populations that have anti-semitic views, it gave the following results 32% of Austrians, 30% of Belgians, 50% of Hungarians, 8% of the Dutch, 30% of the Swiss, 17% of UK citizens and 14% of US citizens have anti-semitic views.

IMHO the Netherlands and the US are both countries with very few anti-semites living in them.

and that is a very good thing because anti-semitism is pure evil and has to be fought tooth and nail.

5. Anonymous said...

She has a love child secretly. That is her biggest issue in her survival under the kingdom's destiny. The kingdom can go burst at any given time. The people are unhappy about the things of the royal court the way the status quo is right now. Drugs, postitutes, organs black market, mercy killings, and etc.
another utterly stupid remark. There is no way on earth that our queen could ever have a love child secretly. She lives in a glass cage and can't even have a simple knee surgery without it being public knowledge. She has 3 kids and none of them are secret love childs, they all are love childs because our queen and her husband loved each other devotely. And the Dutch people unhappy about our royalty? The monarchy has an almost 87% approval rating and the Queen, her son and his wife are enormously popular among the Dutch people who are extremely happy with the royal family and how things are done with regards to the royal family.

6. Auntiem said...

Yikes, I'm totally confused after reading this Thread and comments, grant it I do have a bad sinus headache, no joke!! Michelle, did you respond to some post re president of Iran,( can pronounce his name but not sure of spelling) speaking at NY college, before you heard about his invitation from Columbia?

What a rediculous waste that was. All Bolinger seemed to want to do was get him in front of an audience in order to insult him, which only relfected on Bolinger, making him look like a rude host. I have to say, the little squirt from the Arab hell-world got "one-up" on Bolinger with his quick-witted answer. (the only thing he actually said that made ANY sense during his entire nonsense dialogue.

The Dutch are anti-Semites. tearing down a historic group of houses facing the canal, under the guise of ridding Amsterdam of prostitution,while they are destroying the "Attic", the place that the family of Anne Frank lived in hiding until they were turned in and sent to Nazi concentration camps. This place has been preserved since after WWII, when Otto Frank, her father and the only surviver came back and was given her diary by Miep, his loyal friend and employee. Why would anyone want to destroy such a landmark, a tribute to innocent victims and truly a destination of many tourists. Only to destroy and deny the "Holocaust"......

as one can see in the above picture, the Anne Frankhuis and the red light district are very far apart from one another. That means that renovating houses in the redlight district (not tearing them down because most of Amsterdam is protected from that by building regulations) has not bearing whatsoever on Anne Franks house making this again one sickening example of how people (in this case Auntiem) are using lies and fabrications to cast negativity upon the Dutch.

And FYI Auntiem, the Achterhuis (as it is called) is fine. It is a national monument which has been restored into the way it looked when Anne Frank lived there. It is also a museum and was opened in 1999 by the Queen herself.

And another FYI Auntiem, it is a crime to claim there was no holocaust, in fact it is a criminal offence that can land you in jail.


These are just a few of the enormous amount of dimwitted, stupid and deceitful posts that can be found on hate-central, the home for the stupid remarks. They are not helping this case if you ask me because the stupidity and the hatred they are all about is everything Natalee was not about.

Thank you Ramm for not losing your patience and taking the time to explain. Try to explain, not sure if it will help.

Incredible, those reactions from our allies. Who need enemies with friends like this!

Is this representative for the level of education in the United States? Very sad.

Hi Ramm,
Queen of Denmark here.....

What a bunch of psycho ramblings that you find on that site (wherever it is...I'm staying away).
That bit about the percentages of anti-semitic feelings as it pertains to the US....as a U.S. citizen, I can safely say that some areas of the country are more prone to it than others. 14% seems high to me, but where I live it's probably MUCH lower since we have quite a diverse population. Maybe in some Redneck territories the percentages might be higher.

I don't remember anyone from BFN asking you to translate the book into Dutch either. LOLOL!! Someone has an overactive imagination.

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